Juicing For Weight Loss And Energy

Juicing For Weight Loss And Energy

What Is Juicing?

If you have been trying to lose weight but find that nothing is working then juicing may just be what you have been looking for. Juicing involves going on a diet of juiced vegetables and fruits.

You still get to consume other foods, but the central part of your diet will consist of the juiced vegetables and fruits. Read more

30 Day Juice Fast For Weight Loss Ultimate Guide

30 Day Juice Fast For Weight Loss Ultimate Guide

Our 30 Day Juice Fast weight loss guide, highlights the pros and cons of doing a lengthy juice fast.

The best part?

Tips and tricks are provided to assist you in beginning your juice fast smoothly and confidently.

That’s not all…

We have included links to our favourite juices and when it is the best time to consume them. Read more

10 Day Juice Cleanse Weight Loss

10 Day Juice Cleanse Weight Loss


In today’s fast-paced world we rarely get the time to prepare a healthy meal, especially if you are living in the States where the S.A.D (standard American diet) diet is the norm. It’s a diet that is built solely on fast foods and soft drinks.

No one wants to subsist on such a diet but this is the harsh reality of the modern world. It’s a world where fast food is cheaper than a healthy meal abundant with fresh fruit and vegetables. So, doing a 10 day juice cleanse weight loss program is a welcome change to this diet. Read more

5 Day Juice Cleanse Weight Loss

5 Day Juice Cleanse Weight Loss


The 5 day juice cleanse weight loss is more of a system reboot plan than a weight loss plan. Yes, you will lose weight, but you will also get to reset your mind and body by consuming a healthier and more balanced diet.

If you are reading this article then you have probably read the 3 day juice cleanse weight loss article. If not, then I would recommend you start there. Read more

5 Best Cold Press Juicer Reviews 2020

5 Best Cold Press Juicer Reviews 2020


If you want to undertake juicing, then finding the best juicer for you is essential. It’s like finding the right trainer at a gym because it will be with you for a while.

Many nutrition and fitness geeks will tell you that there is a sort of relationship between the user and the juicer that cannot be explained. You clean it and maintain it and in turn, it serves you well. Juicing is not a fad diet but a way of life. Healthy living will require you to invest in it so you have to go for the best cold press juicer in the market. Read more

Benefits Of Pears For Weight Loss

Benefits Of Pears For Weight Loss

In today’s juicing article, we discuss the benefits of pears for weight loss!

You will discover all of the wonderful benefits of adding pears to your diet for a healthy weight loss plan!

Read on to discover all of the benefits of pears for weight loss!


Benefits Of Pear Juice For Weight Loss


Losing Weight Is Hard. Yummy Fruit Makes It Easier

In today’s society, it is easier than ever to put on extra pounds. Humans have way too much access to high sugar and calorie foods with little to no nutrient benefit.

When we consume foods and drinks like these, our bodies still crave the nutrients they are being deprived of and we eat more thinking we are hungry. But, we don’t usually go for healthy snacks.

We are always looking for the next diet fad or scheme to help us shed the pounds virtually overnight. Unfortunately, you didn’t gain it overnight and you’re not going to lose it overnight either.

In fact, it takes longer to lose the weight than it does to gain it. But, before you get down and throw in the towel, take a minute to consider this: YOU ARE WORTH IT.

You are worth all of those times you say no to the snickers bar and yes to that pear. You are worth taking the stairs at work or riding your bicycle instead of driving.

And because you are worth it, you should definitely take the time to finish this article and see that not only can pears and pear juice help you lose weight, but you will gain so much more from all of the nutrients that you won’t even feel deprived of the junk food anymore.


Your Body Is Yearning For More Fruits And Veggies

The best thing we can do for ourselves is to add fruits and vegetables to our diets. For most of us, it is easier to add fruit because of their natural sweetness, which is good because all fruits contain many of the nutrients our body wants, and more importantly, needs.

Adding fruits and vegetables to our diets is so much better for us than all those diet pills, many of which are shown later to have terribly detrimental effects on our bodies.

What does this have to do with weight loss? Well, when we feed our bodies right, they function better. The better our bodies function, the easier it is to lose weight. We feel better so making better choices for foods and exercise is easier.

Now, let’s focus on a more specific fruit, to learn about all of the benefits of pears for weight loss.


Benefits Of Pears For Weight Loss


Benefits Of Pears For Weight Loss

First things first, right? What we all really want to know is what helps us lose weight. Since many of us fight this battle day after day and year after year, it’s definitely a hot topic! So, does pear juice help you lose weight?

The short answer is: Yes! But let’s delve into it a bit more, shall we? Read on to learn how does pear juice help you lose weight and what are all of the benefits of pears for weight loss.


How Does Pear Juice Help You Lose Weight?

One of the most important basic steps to understanding weight loss is: calories in must be less than calories out. One of the many benefits of pears for weight loss is that they are high in fiber and water content while being low in calories.

Basically, you get a lot of bang for your buck, so to speak!


Pear Juice Benefits For Weight Loss



Pears are so high in fiber that they can contain up to 20% of your recommended daily allowance. Additionally, because fiber helps you feel fuller longer, then pears for weight loss is a great option!


Low-glycemic Index

Additionally, even though pears do contain sugar in the forms of fructose and glucose, they are absorbed slowly so they aren’t followed by a sugar crash and are therefore considered a low glycemic index food.

This is especially important if you are also fighting diabetes or are insulin resistant.


Anti-InflammatoryPear Juice Benefits Weight Loss

Another amazing benefit of pears is that they act as an anti-inflammatory. This is extremely important, of course, because the counterpart to any weight loss routine of diet is exercise!

But, often, when you aren’t eating right, your body reacts with inflammation. Possibly you have inflammation caused by a medical condition. Either way, if you’re in pain, you’re less likely to exercise.

Think of pears as a natural pain reliever! It is a cycle. If you can exercise more, you will lose more weight, which then makes it easier to exercise.



Pears Are a Great Snack

Finally, pears are a nutrient bursting, low calorie, no fat, and no cholesterol snack. You really can’t get much more out of a snack!

Experts recommend adding pears into your regular diet to up your weight loss potential! You can eat pears in many different forms, however, you get the most out of them when consumed raw.

Notice I didn’t mention that the pears have to be eaten! You can absolutely turn those wonderful raw pears into a yummy juice and still get all the benefits of pears for weight loss!

Pear juice is a great way to help you lose weight. It is easy and quick to make. It is portable. And it is easier to digest than when eaten raw.


When Should You Consume Pear Juice to Help You Lose Weight?

You can add pear juice into your diet whenever you like, but the best times that make the most impact to reap the benefits of pears for weight loss are as follows:

  • Before meals, as the high fiber and water content will help you feel fuller and likely to keep you from overeating.
  • Before working out, as it can aid in muscle repair and increase endurance.
  • Between meals as a snack.
  • As a bed-time snack!

Pear Juice Benefits Weight Loss Plan

Other Health Benefits Of Pears

Besides the benefits of pears for weight loss, pears contain a whole host of vital nutrients necessary for your overall health, such as:

  • Fiber – an important nutrient for heart and digestive health, pears contain on average 6 grams of fiber, depending on the size of the pear.
  • Antioxidants – copper, vitamins C and K, that fight cancer causing free radicals.
  • Potassium – an electrolyte that helps prevent muscle cramps, maintain the body’s acid balance, and counteracts sodium, thereby helping lower blood pressure.
  • Calcium – mineral responsible for bone health, also needed for heart health!
  • Iron – mineral necessary for making red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout your body.
  • Magnesium – a needed nutrient for maintaining a healthy blood pressure and normal heart rhythm.
  • Riboflavin – a B vitamin needed for normal body processes.
  • Vitamin B6 – a vitamin needed for brain and nervous system health.
  • Folate – another B vitamin, B-9, that is crucial for pregnant women, as well as needed for bone marrow functions and turning carbs into energy.
  • Carotenoids – aid in preventing cancer and eye disease, promoting eye health.
  • Flavonols – fight inflammation, promote heart health, and protect the nervous system.
  • Anthocyanins – another antioxidant that fights free radicals, and acts as an anti-inflammatory and anti-viral substance.
  • Pectin – a polysaccharide that can help with high cholesterol and may even prevent certain types of cancers.
  • Tannin – a polyphenol antioxidant that than work as an anti-inflammatory agent as it dissolves uric acid in conjunction with potassium and pectin.
  • Vitamin A – important for bone and teeth development as well as boosting the immune system.


There are many types of pears available, and each bring a unique flavor, so try several different varieties and find your favorites now to get all the benefits of pears for weight loss that you can!

Sweeter Pear Varieties are:




 Pear Juice Benefits Weight Loss Diet


Less Sweet Pear Varieties are:





Other Considerations

While there are many benefits of pears for weight loss, there are some considerations that may apply to some consumers. Many fruits, like pears, are FODMAPS.

Some people have sensitivity to FODMAPS and will need to take care when consuming high FODMAP foods.

FODMAPS are Fermentable Oligo-,Di-,Mono-saccharides And Polyols. FODMAPS are believed to contribute to Irritable Bowel Syndrome, causing gas, bloating, and extreme stomach discomfort.

You may be fine with eating pears and drinking pear juice, every person that is sensitive to FODMAPS is different.

Just take it slow to see how your body responds. There are certainly enough benefits of pears for weight loss and your overall health to consider trying them.

Best Pear Juice Benefits Weight Loss Diet

Pear Juice For Weight Loss

We now know that there are many benefits of pears for weight loss and that pear juice does help you lose weight. Additionally, pears offer a plethora of healthful benefits for every other part of your body as well!

Pears offer a high percentage of fiber per serving, as well as vitamins, such as Vitamins A, B and C, and numerous minerals, electrolytes, antioxidants and more. Pears are very low in calories, have no fat or cholesterol, they really are hard to beat!

Juicing pears makes the high fiber skins and cores much easier to digest, while still getting all of benefits of pears for weight loss and your overall health.


No matter how you slice it, just throw it in a masticating, centrifugal or hydraulic juicer. There are so many benefits of pears for weight loss that you have no reason not to get to the market for some fresh pears!


Does Pineapple Juice Help You Lose Weight? Are You Missing Out?

Does Pineapple Juice Help You Lose Weight? Are You Missing Out?

In this article, we discuss if pineapple juice helps with weight loss, and if so, how does pineapple juice help you lose weight.

You will gain knowledge of another important juicing option for your weight loss journey.

Keep reading to find out more!


Does Pineapple Juice Help Lose Weight


Does Pineapple Juice Help You Lose Weight?

Pineapple juice can absolutely help you lose weight! Besides the great taste of pineapple, it has many essential nutrients to help with weight loss.

It is a great alternative to sugary sodas that have no health benefits. Often, snack foods and sugary drinks are considered “empty calories”.

This is because they do not contain necessary nutrients. Pineapple juice is just the opposite.

Benefits Of Juicing To Help With Weight LossDoes Pineapple Juice Help You To Lose Weight

Most fruits and vegetables are great prepared in a variety of ways, however, all fruits and vegetables have the most nutrient impact when in their raw state, as cooking causes nutrients to be lost.

Juicing is one of the great options for consuming fruits and vegetables as they are juiced from their raw state.

In your fight for losing weight, juicing is one of the best ways to assist you.

Juicing fruits and vegetables gives you loads of vital nutrients that help your metabolism, which is extremely important for losing weight, as well as boosting your overall health!

There are many different choices of fruits and vegetables for juicing, but pineapple is hands down a favorite, due to its natural flavor!

How Does Pineapple Juice Help You Lose Weight?

Pineapple juice can help you lose weight as it is a nutrient dense food that is low in calories and contains no fat.

Several key nutrients in pineapple juice help you lose weight, such as:


  • Bromelain, a metabolism revving, belly fat fighting enzyme is found in pineapple juice. Additionally, it works as an appetite suppressant in conjunction with other enzymes. Bromelain also helps to aid in digestion, which is also important for weight loss.
  • Fiber, located in the flesh of the pineapple, helps you to feel fuller longer, creating less need to snack.
  • Pineapple juice has a high water content, due to pineapples themselves having a high water content. Water is, of course, vital for a healthy lifestyle and helps you to feel more satiated. Also, many times we mistake hunger for thirst. We feel we are hungry but are actually experiencing dehydration. Pineapples high water content helps to combat this.
  • Additionally, pineapple juice helps to fight water retention.

Does Pineapple Juice Help To Lose Weight


Some Other Health Benefits of Pineapple Juice?

Besides weight loss, pineapple juice has a host of other nutrients to boost your overall health.


  • The bromelain enzyme also helps to fight inflammation. Inflammation affects many areas of our health and can be caused by a variety of factors.
  • Bromelain’s ability to aid in digestion makes it a natural medicine for irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Pineapple juice also contains Niacin. Niacin is an important compound for turning your food into energy.
  • Thiamine is important for turning food into energy as well, specifically carbohydrates and sugars. Foods and nutrients that are not turned into energy are stored as fat cells in our bodies.


Other Considerations of Pineapple Juice

One thing to take note of is that pineapples, including pineapple juice, do have a higher level of sugars than some other fruits. If you are diabetic or insulin resistant, you shouldn’t drink much pineapple juice, if any.

Pineapple juice is very acidic, if you are suffering from ulcers, you may want to avoid pineapple juice, or just try drinking small amounts at a time.

Does Pineapple Juice Help You To Lose Weight Quickly


Pineapple juice should be used in moderation, due to the high sugar content. Too much of anything can become a hamper to your weight loss efforts. However, pineapple juice is still a great treat, with a lot of beneficial healthful qualities!

Pineapple juice is easy to make. All you have to do is put it in a masticating or centrifugal juicer. You may dilute it with some water to your taste if needed. Now you know why does pineapple juice help you lose weight, and now it’s time to start juicing!

It’s time to get some great pineapple juice recipes.