Juicing For Weight Loss FAQ

Are you considering juicing for weight loss? Or going on a juice fast but aren’t sure what to expect? Or just want to add juicing into your daily routine? Well, first up congratulations are in order for this bold step to regain your health and vitality.

In this article, I will be highlighting the most commonly asked questions about juicing and its effects on your body.

The questions you have even how strange or absurd you may think they are, most of the time they are the same as everyone else.

But that’s not all,

You will have all the information at your fingertips that will allow you to understand what juicing is all about and what to expect from it. Without much ado, here are some frequently asked questions about juicing.


Juicing For Weight Loss FAQ



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Juicing For Weight Loss FAQ


Q: Where can I get protein on a juice fast?

A: Many fruits and vegetables recommended for use in juicing are rich in natural proteins. Vegetables such as kale, spinach, Brussels sprouts, Romaine Lettuce, Peas, carrots, broccoli, and collards contain proteins.

Fruits such as kiwi, guava, peaches, blackberries, and raspberries also contain healthy amounts of protein.


Q: My stool/urine is an odd color. Is this normal?

A: It is quite normal to notice a change in the color of your urine or stool. A change from your normal diet to healthy fruits and vegetables means that your body is taking in increased amounts of chlorophyll and natural pigments. Your stool and urine will, therefore, take on a different color.

On the upside, you are taking in a lot of vitamins and phytonutrients so don’t worry about an odd urine or stool color.


Q: I’m a diabetic, should I go easy on the fruit?

A: Before starting a juice fast, diabetic individuals or people under any form of medication are advised to consult a doctor. This is to be sure whether or not it would be possible to adjust any medications while on the juice fast.

Also, a doctor/clinical nutritionist would be in a great position to recommend what fruits and vegetables to use and others to steer clear of.

If you decide to juice, use no more than one fruit per juice and be sure to include more protein in your juice and drink at least 2.4 liters of water every day.


Q: How do you juice and go to work?

A: Part of a juicing lifestyle involves adjusting and fitting juicing into your normal routine. Pre-make your juices and take them to work with you where possible.

It’s always best to drink juices while they’re still fresh so extract and drink at some at home store some in a fridge. If you don’t have access to a fridge, a small ice chest or cooler can come in handy.


Q: Can I use a blender on a juice fast?

A: Absolutely not. The whole point of juicing is to give your digestive system and organs involved a well-deserved rest. As long as fibers and fruit pulp are present in your juices, then digestion will still take place which beats the whole process.

Always use a juicer to ensure complete separation of the fibers and pulp from your juices. This allows your body to absorb all the vitamins and phytonutrients without expending any energy in digestion.

You don’t have a juicer? Go through our juicer reviews and find one that suits you.


Q: What amount of juice should I have in a day?

A: Drinking about 4 to 6 juices every day will do your body some good. This means an average of 16 to 20 fluid ounces of juice although the amount may vary. Don’t limit yourself to a particular time or amount to juice. So anytime you start to feel hungry, reach for that tall glass of juice and fill up.


Q: When is the best time to drink juice?

A: It has been shown that drinking fresh juice in the morning on an empty stomach and at least half an hour before a meal can be highly beneficial.

During such times, your stomach is empty meaning it will immediately absorb anything you take in.

Freshly pressed juice has no fiber or pulp and is packed with supercharged vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients ready for absorption. So, anytime you feel hungry would be a great time to drink juice.


Q: After I lose the weight I want to, should I continue juicing?

A: After losing all the weight you intend to thanks to juicing, you will look good and feel great. Now, the question is would you want to revert to your previous state?

If your answer is no, then continue juicing to stay healthy and look amazing. To make things easier, incorporate juicing into your meals and cut back on coffee, alcohol, and medicines.


Q: Should there be a specific ratio of fruits to vegetables?

A: Determining the specific ratio of fruits to veggies in your juice doesn’t have to be an exact science. However, it is generally advised to observe an 80:20 ratio that is 80% vegetables and 20% fruits. For instance, if you intend to use five ingredients for your juice, make sure four are vegetables and one fruit.


Q: Should I be juicing if I have a health condition?

A: It always advisable to consult a medical professional before starting a juice cleanse if you have a known health condition. The idea is to make sure that juicing won’t in fact further aggravate your condition.

While juicing may, in fact, help you manage some conditions, it is best to seek the opinion of a physician first.


Q; Should I buy organic produce?

A: Yes. As much as possible, try to source for organically grown produce. Juicing entails cutting the ingestion of any toxins or chemicals that might have an effect on your body systems and health in general.

Non-organic produce often has pesticides and other chemicals that will exert a toll on your liver and kidneys. Organic produce delivers the potency of fresh vitamins and phytonutrients your body craves.

I understand that organic foods are a lot more expensive. Having them if they are not organic is better than not having them. It is important to soak all of ingredients (except the ones you peel) in water and vinegar for 15 min.

Then just give them a rinse before you juice them. This will remove pesticides and chemicals that are on the ingredients.


Q: How do I start eating again after a juice fast?

A: It is important to continue observing a healthy diet after a juice fast. Otherwise, gains made won’t last if you revert to your normal eating habits. Eat lots of leafy greens, fruits and drink plenty of water. Also, add exercise to your routine to further compound the benefits of juicing.


Q: Is it okay to drink tea while on a juice fast?

A: Drinking tea will help you get rid of some cravings so it is not ill-advised to indulge in some bit of “chai”. However, since most teas contain caffeine it is recommended to stay clear of common types of tea and instead drink some white or decaffeinated tea.


Q: Can I juice and still work out or exercise?

A: When juicing, you will be taking in considerably fewer calories than what you’d be normally having. This means that heavy workout regimens are a not exactly a bright idea. You may, however, take walks and take part in light exercises to increase weight loss.


Q: What happens if I am allergic to one of the ingredients?

A: Juicing is meant to be highly customizable. In the event you are allergic to one of the ingredients or you simply don’t like it, you can replace the said ingredient with something else.


Q: Can I drink coffee while on a juice fast?

A: No you may not. Coffee is loaded with caffeine which you should avoid during a juice fast. Juicing helps you detox and avoiding coffee will keep your system free of toxins.


Q: What is the best way to get mentally prepared for a juice fast?

A: The best way to get mentally prepared for a juice fast is to read up on what you can expect during the fast and what ingredients are suitable for use. Spend a couple of days researching what fruits and vegetables are good for you.

Also, start cutting back on caffeine, alcohol and processed foods. That way, when you start your juice fast, you won’t go cold turkey on everything you’re so used to and suffer from some withdrawal effects.


Q: I get headaches while juice fasting, is this normal?

A: Headaches and feeling light-headed are quite normal during juicing. Your caloric intake is reduced considerably and the sudden change from your normal dietary routine is sure to elicit some response from your body.

Increase your water intake and get enough rest, the symptoms should clear after a few days of juicing. Your energy levels will rise and you will begin to feel great again.


Q: How much weight do I stand to lose during the juice fast?

A: Total weight lost differs from person to person. Several factors dictate how much weight you stand to lose. The amount of weight loss will depend on how much weight you start with, meaning the more weight you start with the more you’ll lose.

The length of the juice fast will also determine how much weight you lose. On average, you will lose about a pound or less every day during the first week.


Q: Should I drink water during a juice fast?

A: Yes, it is highly recommended that you drink as much water as possible during a juice fast. Water will help your body push out all the toxins and impart a feeling of rejuvenation and increased energy. Make sure to drink at least 2.4 liters of water each day during a juice cleanse.





